


Celebrating his birthday when he’s gone

I woke up yesterday morning with pain in my sinuses and an ache in my jaw. I knew if I didn’t get up and take some medication right then, a full-blown headache would soon knock me down for the count. With my eyes barely open, I shuffled into the kitchen to swallow two Excedrin capsules. I grabbed some ice packs from the freezer for my neck and head and shuffled back to bed. Still groggy from not enough sleep the night before, it took me a while to figure out what day it was. Tuesday, May 22. Paul’s birthday. I’d been anticipating the day ever since I turned the calendar over to May. Or was it the month before when I wished he was here to celebrate my birthday with me? Yet, in all that time, I hadn’t thought about what I’d do on his special day. I mean, what…